Minggu, 30 November 2014

Tulisan 2

Definition of a Memo
l  A memo is an internal document that is generally short, focuses on a single topic, reports information, makes a request, or recommends action.
l  It follows specific forms, depending on the organization.
l   Memos can be as formal as a business letter and used to present a report.
l  However, the heading and overall tone make a memo different from a business letter. Because you generally send memos to co-workers and colleagues, you do not have to include a formal salutation or closing remark.

Part of a Memo
-          Heading Segment -
  1. The heading segment follows this general format:
  2. To: (readers' names and job titles)
    From: (your name and job title)
    Date: (complete and current date)
    Subject: (what the memo is about)
  3. Encl or Attached: other documents which are included with the report (omitted if there are no enclosures).
  4. References:  list of particularly important background documents ( omitted if there are no such documents).   

Note  :
l  Address the reader by correct name and job title.
l  Be specific and concise in your subject line.

-          Opening Segment -
l  Context
         event, circumstance, or background information.
         Paragraph or a sentence.
         "In our effort to reduce rat parts in our product...."
         Only what your reader needs, but comprehensive and clear.
l  Task statement
         you should describe what you are doing to address the problem.
         "You asked that I look at...."
         "To determine the best way of controlling rat extremities, I will...."
l  Purpose statement
         YOUR reason for writing.
         WHAT is in the rest of the memo. kind of information included.
         "This memo presents a description of the current situation, some proposed alternatives, and my recommendations."

-          Summary Segment -
l  Brief statement of the key recommendations you have reached.
l  Include references to methods and sources you have used in your research, but remember to keep it brief.
l  You can help your reader by using headings for the summary and the discussion.
l  The headings you choose here should appear in your purpose-statement forecast.

-          Discussion Segment -
l  Details: Keep these two things in mind:
         Begin with most important information
         Key findings or recommendations
l  Inverted pyramid.
         Start with your most general information
         Move to your specific or supporting facts
         Or Details: strongest   to  weakest

-          Closing Segment –
Courteous ending that states what action you want the reader to take. 
         How the reader will benefit from the actions. 
         How you can make those actions easier. 
         Usually no signature on memo.
-          Attachment -
l  Refer to attached documents, lists, graphs, tables, etc. 
l  E.g.  “Attached: Several Complaints about Product, January - June 1997”

Format Guidelines
               Regardless of the style, memos generally have similar format characteristics. Listed below are some basic guidelines that can help you create a memo: 
         Memos have one-inch margins around the page and are on letterhead paper 
         All lines of the memo begin at the left margin 
         The text begins two spaces after the subject line. 
         The body of the memo is single-spaced, with two spaces between paragraphs.
         Memos are written on company letterhead ( special company paper that has that has the company's name, address, and telephone number printed on it). 
         If the memo is written on letterhead, do not repeat and any information that appears in the letterhead.
         The format of the heading is easy to read because of the use of white spaces and aligned columns.
         The format of the heading is functional; the first information it gives is the information the readers need first.
         None of the information is presented more than once at the beginning of the report. The information included in the letterhead is omitted from the heading.
Common Types of Memos
a.      Persuasive Memo
In a persuasive memo you must constantly keep your reader's feelings in mind. Consider how the person will react to what you are saying. What would convince him or her most readily? How much should you rely on logic, and how much should you appeal to emotion? 


Persuasive Memorandum

To     : Mary McGee, Alistair Warwranka, George Lipton
CC    : Dorothy Barrie
From: The Boss
Date  : June 1, 2006
Re     : Need for New Memo Format

I’ve noticed that we don’t seem to be able to communicate important changes, requirements and progress reports throughout the company as effectively as we should. I propose developing one consistent memo format, recognizable by all staff as the official means of communicating company directives.
While I know this seems like a simple solution, I believe it will cut down on needless e-mail, improve universal communication and allow the staff to save necessary information for later referral.
Please talk among yourselves to determine the proper points of memo writing and return the input to me by 12 noon. I will then send out a notice to the entire staff regarding the new memo format.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this.
b.      Directive Memo
A directive memo states a policy or procedure you want the reader or co-worker to follow. The length of the memo depends on how much space is required to properly explain the procedure.


Directive Memo

To     : All Staff
From: The Boss
Date  : June 1, 2006
Re     : New Memo Format Effective June 1

In order to make interoffice communications easier, please adhere to the following guidelines for writing effective memos:
  • Clearly state the purpose of the memo in the subject line and in the first paragraph.
  • Keep language professional, simple and polite.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Use bullets if a lot of information is conveyed.
  • Proofread before sending.
  • Address the memo to the person(s) who will take action on the subject, and CC those who need to know about the action.
  • Attach additional information: don’t place it in the body of the memo if possible.
  • Please put this format into practice immediately. We appreciate your assistance in developing clear communications.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you.

c.       Technical Memo
A technical memo is a concise presentation of results, with a logical progression from the principles which are core to the analysis towards the conclusions that were drawn from the results. 


Technical Memo

To: The Boss
From: Sue Masterson
Date: May 15, 2007
Re: Update on the T-12 Phase Three testing

As we enter Phase Four of the T-12 testing, I wanted to provide a progress overview of the Phase Three testing.
[The body of the memo might include two-four paragraphs outlining the purpose of the memo. If this is a longer memo, each paragraph will have a subhead to help guide the reader through the document. Finally, there is a summary paragraph, which features bullets highlighting the main points of each previous paragraph, and concludes the memo with a stated action required by the reader or writer.]
• Identify your audience before you begin to write.
• Ask yourself, should this be persuasive, directive, or technical?
• Be concise and come straight to the point.
• Maintain a business-like tone. 
• Use headings, bullets, and/or numbered lists so key points stand out and the document is easy to read.
• As when writing anything, each paragraph should contain one main idea. Also, try to keep each paragraph short.
• Always proofread very carefully. Check all of your facts.
• Don’t forget to identify any attachments. If not, a recipient would not realize anything
was missing.
• Never include a closing. 

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